Tax Information

Legal Name 
Williston Northampton School

Tax ID Number 

IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)

If you are age 70½ or older, you can make direct tax-free transfers from your IRA account to Williston. These gifts count toward your required minimum distribution and may reduce your federal and state income taxes.

Gifts of Stocks and Bonds

Making a gift of appreciated securities can help you avoid capital gains taxes and generate a charitable income tax deduction, stretching your charitable dollars further.

Donor-Advised Funds (DAF)

DAFs allow you to time your giving — and your charitable deductions — to maximize your tax savings.

Charitable Gift Annuity

Combine a fixed income stream for life with tax savings — and a gift to Williston. 

Charitable Remainder Trust

Combine a gift to Williston with tax savings and lifetime income for you or others. You can fund your charitable remainder trust with a wide variety of assets and add to it over time.

Gifts of Real Estate

Choose from a variety of ways to structure your gift, including an arrangement that allows you to stay in your home for your lifetime and take a federal income tax deduction now. 

Charitable Lead Annuity Trust

Create a charitable lead annuity trust, which allows you to pass assets to your heirs tax-free while providing an annual gift to Williston for a number of years.